Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Put a ring on it!

So lately there has been an epidemic taking over facebook! What's that you ask? No not memes, engagements! It seems like every day I log on someone else I know has a picture of a diamond ring and facebook conveniently flashes me an announcement. Now don't get me wrong, I am by no means hating...I do not want to be anyone's wife at least for the next 5 years (In high school, my ex and I had planned to already be married by now. Oh how life changes.). I am just trying to figure out if I've reached the age where everyone starts to begin their lives with a mate, or if there is some kind of marriage fever going around that I have the vaccine for.

Speaking of marriage, relationships in general seem to be the topic of discussion when my cousins and I meet up. The older, married with kids ones always seem to get around to ask us young, single, childless people who we are currently dating and we begin to tell these "hard out here" stories that last all night. Is it really that hard out here? Or are we just too picky? One last resounding statement one of the "elders" did say, was that it is never going to be perfect. I guess she meant that at some point you realize this person is not going to be everything on your checklist, but he suits the majority of things you want in a companion and the things he does not meet up to aren't as important as you thought.

I am not sure where I stand in that equation though. It seems I find someone who I feel fits perfectly with me, but oops, he's not ready for a commitment! Then there are the guys who really don't scratch half a bullet on my "list", but they sooo want to make me theirs! Sometimes I do wonder if I give a guy too much of a hard time, but then again am I not supposed to have standards? I guess I'll just keep doing what I do, and prince charming will dance his way into my life. Maybe he'll be disguised as a frog!

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