Monday, December 24, 2012

Fresh, Fly, and 25!!

"I'm the type to say a prayer and go get what I just prayed for" - Meek Millz

My 25th birthday was last Wednesday and I am already feeling like this is going to be a great year. Here is an update of what was left of my 25 goals:

25 things before 25:
1. begin a healthy romantic relationship/cut off meaningless male relationships
9. figure out career plan
10. see asthma specialist
15. talk to financial advisor about loans/savings
18. help out with dad's business (ad campaign, sales)
19. learn to be on time!!
22. buy a car
23. apply to grad programs/grants/scholarships/fellowships
25. make/stick to a budget

I completed 22/25 goals before turning 25! I missed a few, but at least for those last 3 I have been taking some steps towards them. I plan on making an appointment to see an allergist/asthma specialist when I get back to Philly in January. While I am home for the holidays I will put together a business plan with my dad and about this whole being on time thing...we'll have to see about that. :-)

I have begun what I consider to be a healthy relationship and have a really good feeling about this. I did have to break a few hearts which was not easy, but in the end I have to do what works for me. It is still very new and fresh, but I am looking forward to seeing where this can go. :-) I have realized that I am not satisfied with my career if I am not directly impacting youth. The desk life is not what I am about and need that interaction with young people to feel happy and satisfied. In that frame of mind, I have applied for another position within my organization that is supporting a number of our students. I find out next month if I have been chosen, but I am confident that I am the perfect candidate for the job.

I BOUGHT A CAR!!! After so many months of just talking about wanting one and complaining about public transportation in Philly, I decided to actually just go and see what this whole car thing is about. I went in to the dealership just curious and ended up driving off the lot with my new baby! My life has been so much easier this past week now that I don't have to run for trains, wait in the cold for buses, or worry about getting home if it gets late. The investment is definitely worth it. Along with this new investment, I researched some information about money and loans so I would know what I was getting myself into with this car/insurance/gas/registration thing. I decided to put together a budget since I now have a ton more expenses. Hopefully I will stick to it so I won't be Broke Betty at the end of each month.

I finished all of my grad school applications and am just waiting for my recommendation letters and transcripts to arrive at the schools. This definitely was not the most difficult process, but did take some motivation on my part to complete everything while working 2 jobs and coaching. The next step once I hear back from the schools is to figure out how the heck I am going to pay for this next degree. 

All in all 25 has been great to me so far and I can't wait to see what more is in store for me! I am thankful for life, health, family, and love and no one can take this happiness away from me!

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