Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sacrifices and Commitments

So today marked the beginning of Lent; the period of fasting, meditation, and prayer before Easter. Every year Lent seems to sneak up on me and I have to rush and think of what I will choose to give up during that time. Sometimes I pick things that aren't really much of a sacrifice or I end up slipping up and breaking my promise. This year I am committed to making a change and actually sticking to what I decide.

I decided to give up alcohol and snacks (chips, cookies, wafers, etc.). Having a desk job it is easy to munch on multiple bags of snacks every day. Sometimes I am not even hungry, but decide I need a snack along with doing my work. Giving up these things will also hopefully help me to lose a few pounds (yes I think I need to get more fit).

Along with giving these things up, I have decided to commit to some actions as well. I will write a blog post every day during Lent. I have been frustrated with different parts of my life lately and forgot that I have outlets to let it all out (I haven't posted here in almost 2 months). Thoughts have been consuming my mind and I need to free up some space for positivity and innovation. So you can look forward to my frustrated rants, outfits of the day, hairstyles or just random things that happen in my life (I really think it is a movie!).

The second action I will commit to is based on this Under Armor ad I remember seeing a few months ago:

I will commit to being active every day. I pretty much do this now between running practice with my basketball team, refereeing at night, and playing on an intramural team at Penn, but I want to step it up and continue this even on Fridays when all I can think of is what party/gathering I am going to for the night. I will also be recording what activity I choose to do during my daily posts.

This is not going to be easy, but I am committed to making it happen so that I can improve my spiritual, mental, and physical health. So you can follow me along my journey here and give me some words of encouragement if you wish. :-)

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